Doxee is a hi-tech multinational, innovative SME that has been listed on the Italian stock exchange since 2019. Doxee specializes in the areas of Customer Communications Management (CCM), Digital Customer Experience, and the Dematerialization of fiscal and document-based processes in compliance with Italian and European standards. Doxee focuses mainly on organizations in sectors where there is a strong need to manage large volumes of documentation: Utilities & Energy, Telco, Media, Financial Services, Healthcare, and Public Administration. Doxee was founded in Modena in 2001 and in 2015 Doxee became a multinational company. Today, Doxee has more than 200 customers globally and it generates more than 6 billion annual communications to about 100 million users. Doxee invests an average of 13% of its annual turnover in R&D at a total of €20 million to date.